Number of articles: 322

Letter from the Prelate (March 2011)

The upcoming weeks of Lent are an important opportunity to undertake "the daily changes that lead us to come closer to God, to share more fully in Christ’s life," the Prelate urges us in his letter.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Letter from the Prelate (February 2011)

As we see in our Lady, "being near to God necessarily leads to being near to others," the Prelate tells us in his letter this month.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Letter from the Prelate (January 2011)

Echoing the Pope's message for the new year, the Prelate reflects on the importance of freedom in our endeavor to love God and all mankind.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Letter from the Prelate (December 2010)

The Prelate urges us to prepare our hearts to receive our Lord at Christmas, and speaks about the recent Apostolic Exhortation of the Holy Father, "Verbum Domini."

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Letter from the Prelate (November 2010)

The Prelate invites us to grasp more deeply the reality of the Communion of Saints, by strengthening our union with the members of the Church in heaven, in purgatory, and on earth.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Letter from the Prelate (October 2010)

The Prelate speaks about devotion to the guardian angels, whose feast is celebrated by the Church on October 2nd. This is also the day on which Opus Dei was founded.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Letter from the Prelate (September 2010)

From Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross, "flow all the graces that God dispenses to mankind," the Prelate reminds us. Therefore, we have to "unite ourselves, in our heart and in our deeds, with the Holy Cross."

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Letter from the Prelate (August 2010)

The feasts dedicated to our Lady during August and the Marian year in Opus Dei form the thread of the Prelate's letter this month.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Letter from the Prelate (July 2010)

"Turning work into prayer," the Prelate tells us in his letter, is the heart of Opus Dei's message "This daily effort to conduct ourselves as contemplative women and men, in the most diverse circumstances of life, sets before us a high goal, as is sanctity."

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Letter from the Prelate (June 2010)

The important liturgical feasts celebrated by the Church during these weeks are the focus of the Prelate's June letter.

Pastoral Letters and Messages