Number of articles: 127

Letter from the Prelate (February 2016)

The Prelate urges us to make these words of Saint Josemaría a reality in our life during Lent: “each day is not just one conversion: it is many conversions."

Letter from the Prelate (January 2016)

In his first monthly letter for 2016, the Prelate writes about our Lady's role in the upcoming Year of Mercy.

Letter from the Prelate for Jubilee of Mercy

"Let us show our gratitude to our Holy Father with our deeds and prayer for convoking this special jubilee, a true time of grace for the Church and the world."

Letter from the Prelate (December 2015)

Bishop Javier Echevarria this month focuses on the meaning of Advent, "joyful and impatient weeks of preparation for Christmas."

Letter from the Prelate (November 2015)

The Prelate writes about the holy souls in purgatory and the last things: “Because of Christ, Christian death has a positive meaning."

Letter from the Prelate (October 2015)

A new anniversary of the founding of Opus Dei and Pope Francis' call to assist those who have been forced to flee their homeland are the central topics of this month's letter.

Letter from the Prelate (September 2015)

The Prelate reflects on the close tie between the Cross and joy, and asks us to intensify our prayer for the family and the upcoming Synod.

Letter from the Prelate (August 2015)

In the context of the Marian year for the family in Opus Dei, the Prelate reflects on the central role of the parents in guiding their children's affective life.

Letter from the Prelate (July 2015)

The Prelate reminds us that the first responsibility for educating children in the faith always lies with the parents and asks for our redoubled prayer for the upcoming Synod on the Family.

Letter from the Prelate (June 2015)

The Prelate this month continues his reflections on the family. "The earthly journey of Saint Josemaría is filled with his loving teaching that we need to spread constantly the holy atmosphere of the home at Nazareth."