Number of articles: 102

Letter from the Prelate (9 January 2018)

“In the human realm,” Saint Josemaria said, “I want to leave you as an inheritance love for freedom and good humor.” The Prelate invites us to reflect on the gift of freedom, in this letter dated on the Founder's birthday.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Christmas Greeting from the Prelate

Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz has written a brief Christmas greeting for faithful of Opus Dei and friends.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Message from the Prelate (1 November 2017)

"All Saints Day is the feast of that quiet and simple sanctity—sanctity without any human splendor—which seems to leave no trace in history, but shines forth before God."

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Message from the Prelate (10 October 2017)

"A Christian’s fidelity should be a grateful fidelity, because we are not being faithful to an idea but to a Person: to Christ Jesus, our Lord."

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Letter from the Prelate (24 September 2017)

"What are you seeking?", our Lord asks young people. If we help them grow with a strong and healthy heart, they will hear Christ's call: "come and see."

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Message from the Prelate (15 August 2017)

Some words from Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz for the feast of our Lady's Assumption into heaven.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Message from the Prelate (July 7)

Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz has sent us a message from Enxomil, a conference centre in Portugal where he is spending a few days during his pastoral visit to that country.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Letter from the Prelate (4 June 2017)

The Prelate writes about the urgent need to strengthen and protect the family, with fortitude and optimism.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Message from the Prelate (10 May 2017)

Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz invites us to accompany the Holy Father closely by our prayer on his trip to Fatima.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Letter from the Prelate (5 April 2017)

Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz writes about how to take full advantage of the upcoming days of Holy Week.

Pastoral Letters and Messages