Number of articles: 159

Kimlea Technical Training Centre

Near Nairobi, Kenya, Kimlea began in 1989 under the encouragement of Bishop Alvaro del Portillo. To date about 12,000 women have benefited, most of them young girls working on the tea and coffee plantations.

Social initiatives

Wavecrest College of Hospitality

Wavecrest College is the first institution in Nigeria that offers training for women working in hospitality services. It began under the impetus of Bishop Alvaro del Portillo.

Social initiatives

"The family is Africa's greatest treasure"

Dr. Celine Tendobi recounts her experience as head of the maternity department at Monkole Medical Center in Kinshasha, Congo, and Msgr. Alvaro del Portillo's enouragement to begin Monkole. An article published in "Vida Nueva."

Social initiatives

“To do good, you don't have to belong to the same faith”

Spurred by a Buddhist woman’s zeal, José Luis Olaizola, a supernumerary of Opus Dei, and his wife Marisa have raised over a million euros to help fight the exploitation of young girls in Thailand.

Social initiatives

Ending hunger

Las Gravileas, a training center for women, has worked for sixteen years running intensive technical and business training programs for destitute women.

Social initiatives

Pontifical University of the Holy Cross

Bishop Javier Echevarría, Prelate of Opus Dei and Grand Chancellor of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, inaugurated in Rome the 2013/2014 academic year at this university.

Social initiatives

Strathmore University Scholarships

In Nairobi, Kenya, a new scholarship program, KIVA, is giving needy girls the opportunity to study at Strathmore University, a corporate undertaking of Opus Dei.

Social initiatives

“You’ve got to do something”

José María Pardo used to shut his eyes when passing all the indigent people begging in Jaén, Spain. Now a hundred of them can get a good meal each day in a family environment.

Social initiatives

El Peñon Family Farm School

Inspired by Saint Josemaria's teachings, the El Peñon school in Mexico is one of dozens of rural schools around the world helping agricultural workers to sanctify their work and family life.

Social initiatives

An Oasis of Hope in South London

Baytree Centre works to create supportive pathways towards social inclusion for inner-city families in Brixton, south London.

Social initiatives