Number of articles: 808

Life of Mary (X): Flight into Egypt

"They were months of quiet work and hardship, spent with nostalgia for their homeland, but also with the joy of seeing Jesus growing up healthy and strong, far from the danger they had left behind."

Fostering Interior Life

Life of Mary (IX): Adoration of the Magi

The series on Mary’s life pauses before the scene in Bethlehem when Wise Men come from the East to adore the Child.

Fostering Interior Life

Life of Mary (VII): Birth of Christ

"The eternal Son of God comes into the world in a place meant for animals. And his Mother has to offer him, as his first crib, a narrow manger."

Fostering Interior Life

Leisure and Free Time (1)

"Free time possesses certain educational possibilities of its own, teaching children how to make good use of their freedom." A new article in the series on the family.

Fostering Interior Life

Cross and Resurrection in Work

"Both in Nazareth and on Calvary, Christ's work (and our own, in so far as we are united with him) is redemptive and sanctifying." A new article in the series "Sanctifying our Work."

Fostering Interior Life

Working for Love

"Sanctifying oneself in work means allowing oneself to be sanctified by the Holy Spirit, who increases our capacity to love." 8th article in the series "Sanctifying our Work."

Fostering Interior Life

The Hinge of our Sanctification

St Josemaría often said: “Our ordinary activities are not an insignificant matter. Rather they are the very hinge on which our sanctity turns." A new article in the series on "Sanctifying our Work."

Fostering Interior Life

Towards Freedom

Paradoxically, "by giving up our freedom for love we are able to love more and give ourselves more fully, and consequently we become more free." An article on Christian life.

Fostering Interior Life

The Parents' Right to Educate their Children (I)

"Since education is primarily the responsibility of the child’s father and mother, any other educational agent is such by the parents’ delegation and subordinate to them." A new article in the series on the family.

Fostering Interior Life

Trusting in God

The struggle for sanctity comes down to "allowing the Holy Spirit to work in our souls, cooperating with him, but without trying to take his place." An article on Christian life.

Fostering Interior Life