Number of articles: 995

Saint Raphael Meditation: Feast of Saint John Paul II

For the feast of Saint John Paul II on October 22, the date on which he was canonized by Pope Francis, here is a short meditation (guided prayer) about his life.

Fostering Interior Life

"Your Face, Lord, Do I Seek": Faith in a Personal God

What does it mean that God is a “person” who has a face? A new article in the series "Light of Faith."

Fostering Interior Life

eBook: Encyclical "Fratelli Tutti"

Download Pope Francis' recent encyclical "Fratelli Tutti" in ePub and Mobi format.

Christian Life

For the 2nd of October 2020

A meditation by Fr Donncha Ó hAodha, Vicar of Opus Dei for Ireland, for the 92nd anniversary of the founding of Opus Dei and for the feast of the Guardian Angels.

Fostering Interior Life

Growing Rich Through Poverty

Aimed especially at young readers but useful for people of all ages, an article on the meaning of Jesus’ first “beatitude”: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”

Fostering Interior Life

Saint Raphael Meditation: Feast of the Three Archangels

A meditation (guided prayer) on the three Archangels, who reveal to us God's transcendence, power and salvific action.

Fostering Interior Life

Saint Raphael Meditation: The Gift of Time

A meditation (guided prayer) on the good use of God's gift of time.

Fostering Interior Life

Saint Josemaria on Friendship

An article from the "Diccionario de San Josemaría." "Friendship – along with filiation – are the key relationships in Christian life, not only with other men and women, but especially with God."

Fostering Interior Life

Christian Mortification—Praying in Body and Soul

What is the true meaning of "mortification" in our Christian life. An article by Jutta Burggraf (PhD in Theology from the University of Navarre), who passed away in 2010.

Fostering Interior Life

Saint Raphael Meditation: "If you knew the gift of God"

A meditation (guided prayer) on the need to foster wonder at God's grandeur and presence in our life.​

Fostering Interior Life