Listen to God
"There, in the depths of each one's soul, God is speaking," Bishop Alvaro del Portillo assures us.
Children: God's Gift
In a get-together in New York in 1983, Bishop Alvaro del Portillo tells parents not to have any fear of accepting God's gift of children in their marriage.
Africa in Saint Josemaria's Heart
In a get-together in Nairobi in 1989, Bishop Alvaro del Portillo talks about why Saint Josemaria decided to begin Opus Dei's apostolic work in Africa in Kenya.
The Pope's Work
In a get-together in Houston in 1988, Bishop Alvaro del Portillo recalls a meeting with John Paul II that showed his complete self-giving in the service of the Church.
Our Lady's Power of Intercession
During a 1987 get-together with farm workers in Mexico, Bishop Alvaro del Portillo speaks about our Lady's great power of intercession before God.
Carriers of Christ
In a get-together in Houston in 1988, Bishop Alvaro del Portillo spoke about the importance of showing Christ to others through our own example.
Sowers of peace and joy
Christians should take the peace of Christ to all peoples, says Bishop Alvaro.
With God, We Can!
In a get-together in London in 1985, Bishop Alvaro del Portillo encourages people to trust in God's help to bring those around them back to him.
The Lord calls
Our Lord, who called the apostles -Bishop Alvaro explains-, calls all Christians to follow Him more closely.
Baptism and Confession
During a catechetical trip to the Ivory Coast, Bishop Alvaro del Portillo speaks about the sacraments of baptism and confession as expressions of God's mercy.