Number of articles: 4852

Audio of the Prelate: Praying for the Living and the Dead

Final podcast in the series on the corporal and spiritual works of mercy, for the Jubilee Year of Mercy.


Letter from the Prelate (November 2016)

Writing about the close of the Jubilee Year of Mercy, the Prelate urges us "to personally welcome into our heart God’s mercy, and thus to welcome others: to 'bend down' towards them."

Pastoral Letters and Messages

"Another Uphill Challenge"

An article published in "The Financial Times" on 16 October 2016. Franz Heukamp, the new dean of IESE Business School in Barcelona, talks about the challenges he faces in his new position.

Recent News

Apostolic Journey to Sweden

From 31 October to 1 November, Pope Francis is making a brief apostolic visit to Sweden. Here is his homily in the common ecumenical prayer service at the Lutheran Cathedral of Lund.

From the Church and the Pope

"Be worthy of Christ's friendship"

On October 29 in Rome, Bishop Javier Echevarria conferred diaconal ordination on 31 faithful of the Prelature. With words from the Prelate's homily.

Recent News

Just Start (9): Offer Work Opportunities

In this 9th video in the series on the works of mercy, people from Uruguay, Italy and the Philippines talk about initiatives that seek to help provide opportunities for finding work, an essential element of human dignity.

Social initiatives

Dora del Hoyo’s Cause Advances

On October 24 in Rome, at the closing of the first phase of the Servant of God's cause of canonization, Bishop Javier Echevarria summed up her life with these words: "serenity, peace, desires to be faithful."


"There's so much more to parenting..."

In this 5-minute video, couples from all over the world share their experiences after attending the International Federation for Family Development (IFFD) Congress in Mexico.

Recent News

Changing Our Floors

​Some time ago, we decided to change part of the floor of the house. When the workers went to collect the new wood we had chosen, they found that the batch that was available had already been sold.


"No one is born a saint, but Dora struggled to be one."

"What I like about Dora is the way that she loved others," says Lucka from the Czech Republic. Lucka is 15 years old and got to know Dora by reading her biography, ‘A Lighted Lamp’. "Of course, no one is born a saint, but Dora struggled to be one. In her presence, everyone felt loved and at the same time, she loved each person in a special way, without having preferences. I think that if we were more like her, we would make life more pleasant for others."
