Number of articles: 4868

Chronology of Isidoro Zorzano's Cause of Canonization

The following is a chronology of the principal steps in the cause of canonization of Isidoro Zorzano.


Tips for living a spiritual, happy and holy Christmas

Before he died in Rome earlier this month, Bishop Javier Echevarria sent a Christmas message encouraging the faithful to take advantage of this holy season to grow in love for God and for others.

Opus Dei

Documentation for Isidoro Zorzano

Books and other documents related to Isidoro and his cause of canonization

Other resources

Interview with Postulator for Isidoro Zorzano

Msgr. Jose Luis Gutierrez Gomez, Postulator for Isidoro Zorzano's Cause of Canonization, answers some questions in view of the recent Decree of the Holy See confirming his heroic practice of the virtues.


Isidoro Zorzano Declared Venerable

Yesterday afternoon the Holy Father Pope Francis authorized the Congregation for the Causes of Saints to promulgate decrees concerning 8 causes of canonization. Among these was a decree declaring the heroic virtues of Isidoro Zorzano (1902 – 1943), an engineer who joined Opus Dei in 1930.


Election of New Prelate

The elective Congress to elect the new Prelate of Opus Dei will be held in Rome, starting on January 23. This website will offer updated information about the various phases of the Congress.

Recent News

Unexpected groceries

"At one point we had no food on the table and the electricity was cut off, and we’ve had to use candles."


Paying for an operation

"I entrusted the matter to Isidoro Zorzano’s intercession with a lot of faith because his holy life edified me."


News about the Cause of Isidoro Zorzano

The informative process on Isidoro Zorzano took place in Madrid between 1948 and 1961. In total 71 witnesses testified, including St. Josemaría Escrivá.


"In The Footprints Of Our Faith"

The printed paperback edition is now available for purchase of these 25 articles with religious, historical, and archaeological information about important sites in the Holy Land. A free ebook can be downloaded at the website of the Saxum International Foundation.

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