St. Josemaría: “We will fight all our lives to correct our flaws”

In this video, St. Josemaría encourages us to live for love every day: “Don’t be ashamed to be a poor, flawed vessel. We will fight all our lives to correct our flaws, right to the end... This is love.”

Overcome yourself every day. 

We don’t do things well, unfortunately, there’s always a loose thread. 

Tell the Mother of God that you didn't want that, that you would like to do things perfectly, but that we're creatures of clay, clay like a water jug, which breaks at the first blow; but it can be mended with staples (do you call them “staples” here? Those metal pieces…). 

And you and I are full of staples, but have you seen pots mended with staples? They turn out quite elegant, almost as elegant as your tie. 

My son, don’t be ashamed to be a poor, flawed vessel. 

But we will fight all our lives to correct our flaws, right to the end. 

Isn’t that right? This is love.