Number of articles: 278

Prelate's Homily for Feast of Saint Josemaria

The Eucharist, the aspiration "omnia in bonum" (everything is for the good!), and the sense of mission are the three topics of the homily at the Mass in the Prelatic Church of Our Lady of Peace in Rome (26 June 2020).

Publications, Interviews, and Other Messages

An Illustrated Biography of Saint Josemaria

"Wanting Jesus Alone to Shine" is a biography of the founder of Opus Dei illustrated with over 300 photos, maps, infographics and autograph texts. Its authors, Jesús Gil y Enrique Muñiz, say they hope the book "will enable readers to enter more fully into the life of Saint Josemaria."

Stories from His Life

Saint Josemaria "Remastered"

In the last years of his life, the founder of Opus Dei met with large groups of people throughout Spain and Latin America. Many of those encounters were filmed and now, fifty years later, they have been remastered and can be viewed with a much higher visual and audio quality.

Pray with Saint Josemaría

That Little Boy in St. Josemaria’s Arms

On Sunday night, Fran Ruiz Anton died after a long illness. He was well known in the field of communications, and always remembered the time the founder of Opus Dei held him in his arms as a young child.

In the news

Saint Josemaria's Prayer Before Our Lady of Guadalupe

Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz speaks about Saint Josemaria's pilgrimage in May 1970 to Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico to pray for the Church and the whole world.

From the Prelate

Pilgrimage to Fatima

May 13th is the feast of Our Lady of Fatima. The message of Fatima contains a wake-up call for all Christians: to make reparation to our Lord for all the sins of mankind, including our own, to do penance, to pray the Rosary, to spread devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and to pray a lot for the Pope.

Stories from His Life

14 May 1970: Heading to Mexico

On his way to Mexico 50 years ago, Saint Josemaria landed at the Madrid airport on 14 May 1970. Some journalists were eager to interview him there. Javier Ayesta, who accompanied him that afternoon, tells us what happened during those hours.

Stories from His Life

Make a Virtual Pilgrimage #StayHome

Making a pilgrimage to Our Lady in May has a long history in the Church. This year, although we may not be able to travel physically to these places, we can still do so in our hearts... and with a little help from technology.


Pilgrimage to Lourdes

In addition to being one of the most-loved Marian shrines worldwide, Lourdes is also linked to an important page in the history of Opus Dei: the escape from one part of Spain to another that St. Josemaría made through the Pyrenees in 1937 with some of the first members of the Work and other people during the Spanish Civil War.

Stories from His Life

In Joseph's Workshop

"Joseph’s work was not self‑centred, even though his active life made him a strong and forceful personality." A homily by Saint Josemaria given on the feast of Saint Joseph, on 19 March 1963 and published in "Christ is Passing By."
