Pope Francis: Homily for the Assumption
On Friday, August 15, Pope Francis celebrated his first public Mass during his 5-day visit to South Korea, in the World Cup Stadium in Daejeon.
Mass at Site of Last Supper
On May 26, Pope Francis celebrated Mass in the Upper Room, in Jerusalem. "How much charity has gone forth from here, like a river from its source: from the Heart of Christ, from the Eucharist and from the Holy Spirit."
The World's Happiness Begins at Home
For a ceremony held in Boca de Huergano to mark the centenary of Dora del Hoyo’s birth, the Prelate of Opus Dei sent a message and Pope Francis sent his apostolic blessing.
Homily from Canonization Mass
Pope Francis' homily at the canonization of John XXIII and John Paul II. With Rome Reports video summary, including Pope Francis' greeting to Benedict XVI before the ceremony.
"Holy Father, we bring you letters from the elderly and orphans"
After the general audience on April 16, a group of university students from UNIV presented Pope Francis with hundreds of letters written by elderly people and orphans from all over the world.
"Francis Gives Us a Joyful Mission"
An article on "Evangelii Gaudium" by Bishop Javier Echevarría that was published in the "Catholic Herald" (London, UK) on 7 March 2014, as part of a series commemorating the first anniversary of Pope Francis' election.
Marriage: Icon of God's Love
In his Wednesday general audience on April 2, Pope Francis stressed the beauty of the sacrament of Marriage, and said that God's Love is "mirrored" in the union between husband and wife.
Statements about Alvaro del Portillo
During the conference held in Rome March 12-14 for the centennial of Alvaro del Portillo, a number of people testified to his influence on their own life and on the life of the Church.
Pope's Message for Lent 2014
"The only real regret lies in not being a saint . . . we could also say that there is only one real kind of poverty: not living as children of God and brothers and sisters of Christ."
Telegram from the Pope about Alvaro del Portillo
Through his Secretary of State, Pope Francis urges those taking part in the conference on Alvaro del Portillo to imitate his "humble, cheerful, hidden and silent life, a life determined to give testimony to the perennial newness of the Gospel."