Isabel Sánchez and Opus Dei: “Deepening in the charism, rectifying, and dreaming of sowing good”
The path to the Centenary has sparked a process of reflection, seen in the recently concluded Regional Assemblies held around the world. In this conversation with Isabel Sánchez, secretary of the Central Advisory, she shares some of the key topics discussed.
Regional Assemblies Conclude: Family, Work, and Formation for Mission
In 2024, the Regional Assemblies of Opus Dei were held, bringing together several thousand people in nearly 70 countries over the course of a year to reflect on the theme "On the Road to the Centenary of the Work." The contributions gathered will help prepare for the Ordinary General Congress of 2025, scheduled for April and May.
Path to the Centenary (2): The Mission of Opus Dei in the Mind and Preaching of Saint Josemaría
This second article in the series preparing for the centenary tries to deepen our understanding of the purpose and mission of Opus Dei, based on the personal reflections and teachings of its founder.
Be Do Care 2024: livestream of the event
From 10 to 12 October 2024, São Paulo, Brazil, is hosting BeDoCare 2024, focusing on the legacy for future generations. Key conferences are being livestreamed (in Spanish and Portuguese) and will be available on YouTube.
Path to the Centenary (1): Vocation, mission, and charism
During this time of preparation for the centenary, which we have begun with regional assemblies, the Prelate invites us to reflect on Opus Dei’s identity, history, and mission. The purpose of this series is to delve deeper into the charism by focusing on one of its essential aspects: the sanctification of work. This first article explores the specific role of the Work within the Church and develops the concepts of vocation and mission in the context of ordinary life.