Number of articles: 256

Letter from the Prelate (16 February 2023)

Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz invites us to reflect on some attitudes and expressions of fraternity.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

From the Prelate: Enlarging the Heart

Considerations about Christian social action in light of the message of St. Josemaría, from Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz, Prelate of Opus Dei.

Publications, Interviews, and Other Messages

Letter from the Prelate (7 January 2023)

The Prelate of Opus Dei sends his blessing for the new year and informs us that the extraordinary General Congress will take place from 12 to 16 April.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Msgr. Ocáriz: "Let us thank God for Benedict XVI, a humble worker in the Lord's vineyard"

The Prelate of Opus Dei collaborated with Cardinal Ratzinger since he was appointed consultor to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in 1986. In this article, Msgr. Fernando Ocáriz recalls the figure of the late Pope Emeritus.

From the Church and the Pope

Christmas 2022: "May we be builders of peace"

Msgr. Fernando Ocáriz, Prelate of Opus Dei, sends a Christmas greeting and invites everyone to foster peace, first of all in the family and at work, and to share the wonder of the closeness of Jesus Christ, God with us.

From the Prelate

Christmas Greeting from the Prelate (15 December 2022)

The Prelate of Opus Dei invites his children to seek peace this Christmas, starting with peace in our own souls and harmony with those around us.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Audience with Pope Francis: "In this wounded world, bring Christ's charity to many"

Pope Francis received the Prelate of Opus Dei, Msgr. Fernando Ocáriz, in an audience. He was accompanied by the auxiliary vicar, Msgr. Mariano Fazio.

From the Church and the Pope

Remarks of the Prelate in the Ordination to the Diaconate (19 November 2022)

Remarks of Mons. Fernando Ocáriz, Prelate of Opus Dei, at the end of the ceremony of ordination to the diaconate of 25 faithful of the Prelature, in the Basilica of St. Eugene, Rome, 19 November 2022.

Recent News

Letter from the Prelate (18 November 2022)

The Prelate of Opus Dei gives thanks to God for his trip to Mexico and encourages us to have recourse to prayer with the trust and naturalness of God's children.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Homily of the Prelate of Opus Dei in the Basilica of Guadalupe

We offer the homily given by Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz in the Mass celebrated in the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe, on the first day of his pastoral trip to Mexico.

Publications, Interviews, and Other Messages