Number of articles: 8

Sandra, Spain: "I’d lived 22 years of my life convinced that God didn’t exist"

Sandra had no faith when she first set foot in a centre run by the Work, invited by a friend. Now, fifteen years later, she is an associate and she tells the story of her encounter with God, in whom she discovered the experience of paternity.

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The First Associates of Opus Dei

In this episode of Fragments of History, historian Constantino Ánchel traces the history of the first associate of Opus Dei and describes how the vocation to the Work as an associate spread through various Spanish cities over the next few years.

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María José de los Ángeles, Spain: "I've learned to find meaning in every difficult decision, and I'm grateful"

María José was an associate of Opus Dei for 20 years and about 5 years ago, at the age of 35, she left the Work. "Even though it was a very painful decision, it was definitely one where I was supported, and absolutely one where I was free," she says. "It’s beautiful to think that every vocation has a mission that transcends time."

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Mirian, Brazil: "Like a GPS, God is recalculating your path"

Miriam, from Brazil, is 34 years old and is a gynaecologist and obstetrician. She is married and has a three-month-old son. She was an associate of Opus Dei for a time, until, after a period of reflection in which she always felt accompanied and understood, she saw that her path lay elsewhere.

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Dani, Bolivia: "Who doesn't have demands in life?!"

Dani describes herself as a very competitive person who always aspired to more in life. She still sets high goals for herself, but now her perspective has changed: "Opus Dei has totally changed my life, because it's given me a different perspective on why we are here in the world."

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Renata, Brazil: "God is calling me in the world, and that's where I find my vocation"

Biomedical scientist Renata Silvestre describes how her vocation is intertwined with her work in advanced cell therapy, battling cancer while living the spirit of Opus Dei in her daily life. In her story, science and faith are both sources of inspiration and reasons for commitment.

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"In my house it's Christmas all year round"

That's what Joseba would say when he exhibited his collection of almost 300 small nativity scenes from around the world. He used to open some of them to the public, share photos on social media, and celebrate the holidays with a montage of the Nativity scenes and music.

Live-streaming: Marian Family Day and Priestly Ordinations

On Saturday, 1 September, the 28th Marian Day for the Family will take place at the Shrine of Torreciudad. The next day, Sunday, 2 September, the Bishop of Cuenca, Monsignor José María Yanguas Sanz, will confer priestly ordination on three deacons of the Prelature.

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