Number of articles: 821

Detailed account of the cure

In just two weeks his lesions were completely cured, he recovered the normal use of his hands, and was able to go back to doing surgery.

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Commemorating the Centennial by Serving

Around the world, people are commemorating the centennial of Blessed Josemaria Escriva's birth with concrete expressions of solidarity with the poor. Here are eight examples of social initiatives in the fields of education, immigration, work, and healthcare that have been or will be put into operation in honor of the centennial

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Italy's First Euro Stamp Commemorates Josemaria Escriva

"The continuation in history of the deeds and actions of Opus Dei's founder requires that his memory remain not only in the minds of individuals but also in the public conscience," says Italy's Communications Minister. Stamps and postmarks were also issued in the Philippines, Uruguay, Costa Rica, and Spain.

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Chronology of the process of the miracle

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Interview with Franz Cardinal König about Blessed Josemaria Escriva

Franz Cardinal König says that the Founder of Opus Dei "now belongs to the Church's treasury; he's welcomed to the multitude of saints."

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A Centennial Marked by Solidarity

At a conference at the Centro ELIS school in Rome recently, participants discussed Blessed Josemaria Escriva's teachings and heard about various social service initiatives begun in honor of the centennial of his birth.

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The meaning of the university

All human work, whether manual or intellectual, can be converted into a place to meet God and to serve others. Work in the university, when carried out with professional competence, is a source of harmony and solidarity among peoples.

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Cardinal Ruini addresses Escriva Congress

Escriva's Message Is a Service to the Universal Church and All Particular Churches.

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International congress on Blessed Josemaria Escriva opens

Prelate of Opus Dei says that holiness is not for the few.

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Insights to the impossible mission for the Christian

All Christians are made one body with Christ through Baptism and participate in his redemptive mission. Each and every one therefore must actively work to pass on to all men and women the gospel Jesus preached.

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