Number of articles: 2166

“Cause a Commotion”: Using Social Media to Evangelize

The Pope’s words — "hagan lio," "cause a commotion" — have inspired an online initiative making use of YouTube and Instagram to spread testimonies of faith by well-known speakers.

Recent News

"I left drugs and found Jesus in my work"

Bruno lived in the world of drugs. He hit rock bottom and went through a rehabilitation process. And God showed Himself to him in the sacraments, in the homeless, and in his job in a supermarket warehouse.

Personal testimonies

"In the Church, Joseph continues to protect the Child and his Mother"

On 16 February, in his final catechesis on the figure of Saint Joseph, Pope Francis spoke about his role as "patron of the Church."

From the Church and the Pope

"Beginning and beginning again!"

Writing from Nigeria, Jacinta describes her struggle to overcome her addiction to Instagram, and the help she received from the writings of Saint Josemaria.

Personal testimonies

14 February: A Sign of Divine Providence

On February 14th, in 1930 and 1943 respectively, Saint Josemaria saw that both women and priests could form part of Opus Dei. Some texts and videos about these two foundational dates.

Recent News

"In union with the crucified and risen Christ"

Message of Pope Francis for the 30th World Day of the Sick on February 11, liturgical memory of Our Lady of Lourdes. This year the theme is “Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful” (Lk 6:36).

From the Church and the Pope

Saint Joseph and a "Good Death"

In his 9 February general audience, Pope Francis continued his catechesis on Saint Joseph, speaking about the reality of death in each person's life.

From the Church and the Pope

The Caring Professions in Saint Josemaria's Teachings on Work

Some excerpts from a Study by María Pía Chirinos that will appear in the next issue of "Romana," the bulletin of the Prelature of Opus Dei.

Recent News

“The first women of Opus Dei were a revolution"

An interview published in "Diario de Navarra" with historian Inmaculada Alva, co-author of a recent book about the first women in Opus Dei.

Recent News

"My beloved father, all my trust is in you"

In his 2 February general audience, Pope Francis continued his catechesis on Saint Joseph, speaking about the Communion of Saints.

From the Church and the Pope