Number of articles: 2165

"God gave me the undeserved gift of conversion"

"I felt that someone really cared about my soul and recognized my dire need to be reconciled with God through His Church." Magdalena, a young mother from the Philippines, talks about her journey to the Catholic Church.

Personal testimonies

"Let us recall the Christian witness present in every corner of the world"

In his 19 April general audience, Pope Francis continued his catechetical cycle on apostolic zeal, speaking about the witness of the martyrs.

From the Church and the Pope

The Extraordinary General Congress of Opus Dei Comes to an End

274 faithful of Opus Dei met with Msgr. Fernando Ocáriz and his vicars in Rome to adapt the Prelature’s statutes to the motu proprio "Ad charisma tuendum." The conclusions will be presented to the Dicastery for the Clergy, the organism of the Holy See responsible for personal prelatures.

Recent News

Unlikely Friends: Léa and Marie-Maude

“I’ll never forget the first time I got in her car.” In this series of interviews, pairs of friends from different parts of the world talk about how they met, what they value about each other, and how they navigate their differences.

Personal testimonies

"The Gospel is proclaimed by moving"

In his 12 April general audience, Pope Francis continued his catechetical cycle on apostolic zeal with the second of two audiences about the example of St. Paul.

From the Church and the Pope

The Extraordinary General Congress of Opus Dei Begins

From 12-16 April, 274 faithful of Opus Dei will meet with the Prelate and his vicars in Rome to study the Prelature's statutes and adapt them to the motu proprio "Ad charisma tuendum." In this apostolic letter, Pope Francis asked for some points in the document (which defines the Prelature's mission and regulates its life) to be renewed.

Recent News

The Prelate with Young People in UNIV

Nearly three thousand university students from all over the world travelled to the Eternal City to experience Holy Week in Rome. Over the course of the week, Msgr. Fernando Ocáriz held various gatherings with young people, talking to them and sharing experiences of faith and friendship.

From the Prelate

What is a balanced life?: Season Two of LoveTalks

On 22 April, the second season of LoveTalks, a digital series from the IFFD (International Federation for Family Development), premieres under the slogan "Balanced Life" where experts from around the world will offer ideas and experiences on how to integrate all aspects of life.

Social initiatives

Easter with Pope Francis (2023)

Excerpts of Pope Francis's homilies during the liturgical celebrations for Easter and Holy Week.

From the Church and the Pope

Press Dossier for the Extraordinary General Congress of Opus Dei

Various texts and resources on the next Extraordinary General Congress of Opus Dei, which will take place in Rome from 12-16 April.

Recent News