Number of articles: 1008


Temperance consists of an inner harmony that enables the person to choose well. It is a cardinal virtue that helps us to enjoy goods freely, without allowing them to dominate or enslave us.

Doctrinal Articles

The Visitation

On the last day of May, the Church celebrates the feast of our Lady's visitation to her cousin Elizabeth. Some reflections on the canticle Mary entoned to express her great joy: the ‘Magnificat’.

Fostering Interior Life

Professional Formation (IV): Leadership By Serving

Saint Josemaría understood professional prestige not as a personal achievement but as an opportunity to serve all men and women better.

Fostering Interior Life

May Recollection Kit (2022)

A recollection is a “mini-retreat,” a few hours of quiet prayer when we look at our lives in God's presence. As we continue to face a global pandemic, this guide can help us spend an hour or two in loving conversation with God, right where we are.

Fostering Interior Life

Very Human, Very Divine (XIII): With Our Whole Heart

The virtue of chastity strengthens our ability to perceive and enjoy what truly fills the human heart; it allows us to discover God in everything.

Fostering Interior Life

Meditation on Peace

Some reflections on Christ's gift of peace, and how to foster it both in our own heart and in those around us.

Fostering Interior Life

A Marian Month

The Church's tradition in many places dedicates the month of May to our Lady. Some resources for getting to know and love Mary better.

Fostering Interior Life

Professional Formation (III): Citizens Who Work with Others

With our work and the relationships we establish through it, we can help build up a society in accord with the dignity of the human person.

Fostering Interior Life

Saint Raphael Meditation: Our Easter Joy

A meditation (guided prayer) on the joy that the great feast of Easter produces in our hearts.

Fostering Interior Life

Understanding and Living the Mass

How can we take part fruitfully and base our whole life on the Holy Mass? A step by step explanation of the parts of the Mass.

Doctrinal Articles