Pdf: Message from the Prelate after Audience with Pope Francis
My dear children: may Jesus watch over my daughters and sons for me!
I want to communicate to you my joy at having been received in an audience today by our Holy Father Francis. During the audience, I conveyed the affection and union of the faithful of Opus Dei with him, and informed him of the work carried out last April during the days of the Extraordinary General Congress. I also told him about the atmosphere during those days, and about the desire manifested by everyone to be faithful to the charism of Saint Josemaría and to be united with the Pope. At the same time, I communicated to the Holy Father that we have begun to work with the Dicastery of the Clergy on the document that resulted from the Congress, for the decision to be made by the Holy See.
With Don Mariano, who was accompanying me, we had the opportunity to tell him about several apostolic initiatives brought forward by people of the Work together with many others in various countries, striving to spread the Gospel message and to serve many people.
The Holy Father expressed his joy at everything he heard and remarked on the good that people of Opus Dei are doing in the world, while encouraging us to spread our spirit everywhere in service to the Church.
Finally, he gave us his blessing, which he extended to all the people of Opus Dei and to all who are in one way or another in contact with the Work.
Although you already do so, I ask you to pray a lot for the Pope and for his intentions. In this month during which we celebrate the feast of Saint Josemaría, let us also place the work of the upcoming months under his intercession.
Your Father blesses you with all his affection.

Rome, 3 June 2023