Pdf: Letter from the Prelate (7 August 2023)
My dear children: may Jesus watch over my daughters and sons for me!
With my stay in the Philippines and Indonesia coming to an end, I am sending you this brief letter to thank you for the support of your prayers for the apostolic work in these countries of Asia. I also ask you to keep praying for my trip, which will continue now in Australia and New Zealand.
In all the regions of the Work, within the diversity of cultures and customs that enriches everything, we find a marvelous unity of spirit and family – thanks to God and the faithfulness of our Father and your own. We try to live this unity as a gift and a responsibility of each and every one of us. At its origin is charity, which overflows in fraternity and apostolic zeal.
Keep praying for the fruit of the World Youth Day in Lisbon, as another expression of union with the Roman Pontiff. Let us place the young people, who are the present and the future of the Church, under the motherly mantle of Our Lady of Fatima.
Your Father blesses you with all his affection.

Jakarta, 7 August 2023