My dear children: may Jesus watch over my daughters and sons for me!
The feast of St. Josemaría is still fresh in our memories and in our hearts. Throughout these days, we have asked him to keep the Work always young. That is our desire: through our daily fidelity, each of us tries to incarnate the spirit we have received from our founder, and, at the same time, we all move forward as one, "quasi civitas firma" (Pr 18:19), through the communion of saints.
In the spirit of a united family where every member plays a determining role, I want to ask you to accompany me in my trips over the next few months. It is a joy to spend time with my daughters and sons in France, Spain, the Philippines, Indonesia, Australia, and New Zealand. I ask you to support the fruits of your brothers' and sisters' apostolic work in these countries through prayer and your daily work: those are our weapons. At the same time, know that whether I am near or far from you geographically, you will always have me close to you: I pray affectionately for each and every one of you. And, because of this closeness, I rely on your strength.
Let us continue to pray to the Lord with great confidence, "cor unum et anima una" (Acts 4:32), for the fruits of the recent Extraordinary General Congress. We will celebrate the feasts of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and the Assumption during this period. Let us spend it hand-in-hand with our Mother, as St. Josemaría suggested, paraphrasing the popular saying: "From one Virgin to another."
Your Father blesses you with all his affection,

Pamplona, 3 July 2023