Free eBook: "For me, to live is Christ"

Christ is the starting point and the guiding thread of every Christian life. Our life of prayer, forming our emotions, inner freedom, spiritual struggle, our sense of mission... all converge in Christ. We want to live our life in Him, to live His life in ours.

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What does it mean to be a Christian? There are many ways to answer this question. Perhaps one of the most succinct is the one found several times in St Paul's letters: to be a Christian is to live in Christ, to live our life with Him, to live his Life in ours. The centrality of the Person of Jesus Christ must therefore be the starting point and the guiding thread of every Christian's life. In one of his first pastoral letters, the Prelate of Opus Dei, Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz, set out some of the consequences of this reality. The texts in this book develop them, starting with some reflections on Jesus as the source of hope-filled joy. Topics include the life of prayer in the middle of the world; Christian formation as a process that reaches the person in all of his or her dimensions; the interior freedom of the children of God; the spiritual struggle as a grateful response to God's gifts; the sense of mission characteristic of those who have accepted a divine call; and the awareness of our Lord's unconditional love as the foundation of our efforts to please Him.


Foreword (audio)

1. In the Joyful Hope of Christ

2. Paths of Contemplation (audio)

3. Reaching the Entire Person: Role of the Emotions (audio)

4. The Most Supernatural Reason (audio)

5. Gratitude Spurs Us to Struggle

6. Beloved, Called, Sent Out: a Sense of Mission (audio)

7. Apostles in the Middle of the World: a Sense of Mission (audio)

8. Pleasing God