Number of articles: 4641

When the unexpected's the norm

Die Tagespost Cologne, Germany November 2, 2000

Recent News

Paying to Work

KNA Bonn, Germany Sept. 5, 2000

Social initiatives

Family day at Torreciudad

Archbishop John Foley presided as thousands of families gathered at the Spanish shrine of Torreciudad to dedicate themselves anew to the Saviour's Mother. Posted 9/30/00

Recent News

First Russian biography of Blessed Josemaria

Blessed Josemaria Escriva's Life and Achievement is the title of the first biography to appear in the Russian language by the noted Orthodox thinker, Eugueny Pazukhin. Posted 10/30/00.

Recent News

Towards a more human medicine

In the first week of October Sao Paulo hosted an International Symposium on Family Medicine, in the Center for University Extension. Posted 12/03/00.

Recent News

Sicilians name a street after Blessed Josemaria

A street in the city of Terrasini in Sicily now goes by the name of the founder of Opus Dei. Posted 12/12/00.

Recent News

How does one get involved in Opus Dei?

Opus Dei

Why did the Church make Opus Dei a personal prelature?

Opus Dei

Vatican Declaration on Opus Dei

This is the Vatican document, issued by the Sacred Congregation for Bishops and approved by Pope John Paul II, that explains the fundamental traits of the Prelature of Opus Dei.

Opus Dei

Conversations with Josemaria Escriva

In the years immediately after Vatican II, interviews with Saint Josemaría appeared in various newspapers and magazines around the world, such as Time, Le Figaro, and The New York Times. In them the founder broached a number of topics, including the mission of the university, the role of women in the church and in society, and the nature and apostolates of Opus Dei
