Number of articles: 4617

Discovering the Church

"My husband was baptized Catholic, but had never received any of the other sacraments. None of our four children nor I had ever been baptized."


How did St Josemaria imagine St Joseph?

The Seven Sundays of St. Joseph is a devotion to the patron of the universal Church. On the seven Sundays preceding his feast, March 19, the faithful have traditionally contemplated seven sorrows and joys in his life. Illustrated leaflet downloadable in pdf.

Stories from His Life

New Printable Prayer Cards

New prayer cards are available in pdf format for 10 faithful of Opus Dei whose canonization process has been opened, with the prayer for private devotion and information about each one's life.

Recent News

Communication and Mercy

"How I wish that our own way of communicating may never suggest a prideful and triumphant superiority over an enemy." Message of Pope Francis for 50th World Communications Day.

From the Church and the Pope

Our Lady of Peace, the Prelatic Church of Opus Dei

May 2nd is the anniversary of the dedication of the Church of Our Lady of Peace, the prelativ church of Opus Dei. A place of prayer housing the mortal remains of Saint Josemaría Escrivá, millions of people throughout the world turn to Saint Josemaría's intercession to gain graces of every kind from God.

Pray with Saint Josemaría

Saint Thomas: Five Remedies Against Sadness

"Saint Thomas Aquinas suggests five remedies against sadness that have proven surprisingly effective." From a conference given by Carlo de Marchi, vicar of Opus Dei for Central-South Italy.

Recent News

"It was worth it"

Jorge Rojas and Maria Esther Goldsack met at a university in Chile, and have been married for 41 years. They reflect on what's helped them to keep their marriage alive and fruitful, including in ways that have had a real social impact beyond their family home. A new video in the series "Marriage: a Divine Path on Earth."

Personal testimonies

The Riches of the Faith

An article by Saint Josemaria published in ABC, a Madrid daily, on November 2, 1969. In this article, the Opus Dei founder spoke of love for freedom as one of the treasures of the Christian faith.


Novena for Forgiveness

With quotes from Saint Josemaria and going to his intercession, this novena prepared by Fr. Francisco Faus asks for the grace to learn how to forgive others. It can be downloaded in pdf, epub and mobi format.

Recent News

Dora, Pumpkins, and Angel Hair

Isabel Garcia Martin knew Dora and worked with her from 1991 until Dora's passing on January 10, 2004. “In life we get to know a lot of people, and we value and remember them. But there are some people who are unforgettable because, doing things that no one notices and without calling attention to themselves, they make a deep impression on us. We ask ourselves what it is about them...and we begin to discover the heroes of the world, the ones who know how to make us happy in little things."

Life and Stories