Number of articles: 278

Novena to the Immaculate Conception

Nine days of special preparation for the great feast of our Lady's Immaculate Conception, with some resources for growing in love for Mary Immaculate.

Fostering Interior Life

2 October: Sanctity in Ordinary Life

In 1931, Saint Josemaria wrote down what had happened on the morning of October 2nd, 1928, feast of the Holy Guardian Angels, when he first "saw" Opus Dei.

History of Opus Dei

Saint Pius X, Intercessor of Opus Dei

21 August is the feast of St. Pius X, the intercessor to whom St. Josemaria entrusted the Work's relation with the Holy See. In this excerpt, Miguel De Salis Amaral writes about St. Josemaria's lifelong devotion to this Pope.

Historical context

Audio Drama Series: On St. Josemaria

This week The Merry Beggars (Relevant Radio) is releasing a 5-part audio drama series on the life of Saint Josemaria.


The Prelate on the feast of St. Josemaria: "God does not stop loving us when we make mistakes"

Homily of Msgr. Fernando Ocáriz on the feast of St. Josemaría, in the Basilica of Saint Eugene (Rome).

Publications, Interviews, and Other Messages

Text of the Mass of Saint Josemaria

26 June is the feast of St. Josemaria. Here are the liturgical texts for the Mass of the day.

Devotion and Favors

The Greatest Moments from St. Josemaria's Catechesis in Europe and America

The new channel of St. Josemaria on YouTube features short videos and summaries of his gatherings with families, friends, and members of Opus Dei.


"The Journey of a Journey": 50th Anniversary of St. Josemaria in Latin America

A multimedia site with a variety of audiovisual and infographic resources that show how the charism of Opus Dei has been brought to life in different cultures, for the 50th anniversary of St. Josemaria's trip to several Latin American countries from May 1974 to February 1975.


Saint Josemaria and Our Lady of Fatima

Saint Josemaria is the first pilgrim to Fatima raised to the altars. The story of Fatima as it impacted his life, and also the life of Saint John Paul II.

Stories from His Life

A Coach and a Father

An interview with Fr. John Henry Hanson, O. Praem., author of the recently published book "Coached by Josemaría Escrivá: Lessons in Discipleship."

Personal testimonies