Number of articles: 46

From Stomach Aches to a Joyful Feast: Celebrating St. Josemaría!

Chiamaka, in her last year as undergraduate in the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, shares her fond memories of the Mass in Campus in honour of St. Josemaría.

My Mysterious Journey to The Catholic Church

The story of Onyekachi

Something I Love, Someone I Love

Olamide is a pharmacist by profession and a basketball coach. Through a passionate training of upcoming student basketballers, she is creating a furrow of diligence in little things.

The Chain of Diligence: Spreading Good Doctrine

Nkem, a young mother and a supernumerary of Opus Dei, shares her adventure of teaching catechism classes in Lagos with other mothers of young children.

A Week-Long Free Cataract Surgery Mission to Enugu

GBfoods Partners Elena Barraquer Foundation on a Week-Long Free Cataract Surgery Mission to Enugu at the Niger Foundation Hospital, Enugu.

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You Will Definitely Know When God Calls You

Blessing Nina Emmanuel narrates her journey to the faith while in the university.

The Rookie Lawyer who cannot stay away from Trouble

We share the self-narrated story of Collins a young lawyer, fresh out of Law School who, despite his inexperience and lack of means, could not hold himself back from helping people in need. The sight of someone in handcuffs, the cry of a mother whose only son was about to be jailed for a petty reason, innocent people who only needed a lawyer to speak for them… these were some of the sights that elicited empathy from Collins, and he decided to help, often without invitation.

Bisi Falodun (II): Meeting Opus Dei

Bisi recounts her initial encounter with Opus Dei at the old Wavecrest Secretariat College in Lagos, Nigeria. Bisi was glad to have met Opus Dei through her relatives who lived close by the Centre. Usually, on entering the serene and cheerful environment of the centres of Opus Dei, some people exclaim, "Wow! You mean this kind of place exists here?" This initial excitement was lost to twelve-year-old Bisi. However, years later, she narrates the soothing feeling she experienced at her visit to the Centre.

Bisi Falodun (III): Vocation to Opus Dei

Bisi said, "In my house there was a picture of the Sacred Heart, I went in front of the picture and wept throughout the night, and the next day, I went ahead to join Opus Dei." The gentle whisper of God's call rang clearly in Bisi's heart. She heard it and did not feel capable of answering. And then, just as Eli helped Samuel to recognize God's voice, Bisi was assisted in freedom to listen and follow the Lord's call.

Bisi Falodun: Encounter with the Catholic Faith

Bisi Falodun was the first numerary member of Opus Dei in Nigeria. She died on 23rd February 2018. In this video she recounts how she left her Anglican background for the Catholic Church. She said, "If the Catholic Church was the first Church as stated in history books, I want to belong to the first Church."