Number of articles: 543

Online Recollection September 2021

Are you unable to make it in-person for your usual monthly recollection? Here's some material you could use on your at home to make your monthly recollection of September.


Heaven in Daily Instalments - Episode 8

Heaven in Daily Instalments - Episode 8


How helping to shape lives has shaped mine too!

The amazing experience of how helping girls attending programmes at the Lattice Club in Lagos helped the tutor as well.


Our profit to the poor

In preparation for the Feast of St. Josemaria, boys of Southcreek Centre club decided to do ‘something extra’ in his honour: they decided to raise funds after the June 26th Mass by selling barbecued chicken, pastries and drinks.


Online Recollection August 2021

Are you unable to attend a recollection this month in person? Here are some resources you could use to recollect at home where you are. The theme for this month is: "The manifestation of God’s power: light and hope for man".

Fostering Interior Life

Pope's Prayer Intention for August 2021

From the Church and the Pope

Trapped by the Floods in Germany

“Move fast! You’re in danger. Put what you need for three days in a knapsack. We’ll come back for you in a few minutes.” José Santos. a Portuguese doctor, recounts his dramatic experience during the recent floods in Germany.

Personal testimonies

Mrs. Edith Katama

On Thursday 15th July at 6:30 pm, Edith Abwooli Katama passed away in Uganda, following a long illness. Edith and her late husband Sylvano Katama are the first members of Opus Dei in Uganda, which they discovered while on exile in Kenya from the early 1980’s.


Young professionals celebrate St. Josemaria

Sometimes, the treasures we are looking for are hidden in the very ground on which we stand (Henri Nouwen). That's one way to look at how the Young Professional's Mass for the feast of St. Josemaria came up.


Interventions in support of education during COVID-19

The Community Service Centre in Strathmore University is involved in a number of projects whose aim is to empower individuals and communities using education, character development, and community engagement activities.
