Malina, Malaysia: "Seeing my friends take Communion was the beginning of my journey"
Malina learned to get along with Muslims, atheists and Christians in her own family. "My family is an example of the mix of cultures and religions that exist in my country, Malaysia," she says. Her father is an atheist, her mother is Catholic, and her sisters converted to Islam. She decided to be baptised at the age of 16. That was the beginning of a search that would eventually lead her to Opus Dei as an assistant numerary.
Teaching Children to Adore Jesus in the Eucharist
This initiative began in Vigo (Galicia, Spain) to help little children approach Eucharistic adoration in order to pray and form a relationship with God from a young age. Little by little, it spread to other parishes in the city.
The Dawn of the Day of the Sun: Benediction and a Marian Antiphon
Benediction with the Blessed Sacrament and an antiphon to Our Lady on Saturday prepare us for the Sunday celebration and unite our two great loves, Christ and Mary, in one moment of the week.
On the Feast of Corpus Christi
A homily given by Saint Josemaria on 28 May 1964, the feast of Corpus Christi, and published in "Christ is Passing By."
Preparing for the Feast of Corpus Christi
Some resources for growing in love for Christ's real presence in the Eucharist, with words from Pope Francis, Saint John Paul II, Saint Josemaria and Bishop Javier Echevarria.
What is the Consecration in the Mass?
"The Holy Mass is an infinite divine madness," Saint Josemaría used to say. The Eucharistic presence of Christ begins when the priest, "in persona Christi," pronounces the words of consecration over the bread and wine. This article is dedicated to the very heart of the Mass.
The Holy Eucharist, Mystery of Love and Faith
A new video with excerpts from Saint Josemaria's preaching on the Eucharist: "Living the Holy Mass is to pray constantly, convinced that, for each of us, it is a personal encounter with God."
Understanding and Living the Mass
How can we take part fruitfully and base our whole life on the Holy Mass? A step by step explanation of the parts of the Mass.
How should we prepare to receive Christ in the Eucharist?
How should we prepare to receive Communion? When should we receive Communion and what should we do afterwards? Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about Holy Communion.
The Eucharist and the Mystery of the Trinity
An extract from a homily of Saint Josemaria published in "Christ is Passing By," nos. 85-87.