Number of articles: 225


On 31 October 1996, 25 years ago, the first group of men travelled to Kampala to stay and live there on a permanent basis and to start the stable activities of Opus Dei in the Pearl of Africa

Recent News

Pope's Prayer Intention for October 2021

Let us pray that every baptized person may be engaged in evangelization, available to the mission, by being witnesses of a life that has the flavor of the Gospel.

From the Church and the Pope

In season and out of season: parents teaching catechism at home

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic made it necessary to change our plans in ways we didn’t imagine. Due to the pandemic, we had to postpone the date of the First Holy Communion of the girls in Kianda. With the impossibility of teaching catechism classes at school, we decided to give the classes online and besides, to involve their parents since they were spending more time with their children at home.

Personal testimonies

Pope's Prayer Intention for September 2021

Let us pray that we all will make courageous choices, the choices necessary for a simple and environmentally sustainable lifestyle, taking inspiration from our young people who are resolutely committed to this.


Online Recollection September 2021

Are you unable to make it in-person for your usual monthly recollection? Here's some material you could use on your at home to make your monthly recollection of September.


Our profit to the poor

In preparation for the Feast of St. Josemaria, boys of Southcreek Centre club decided to do ‘something extra’ in his honour: they decided to raise funds after the June 26th Mass by selling barbecued chicken, pastries and drinks.


Pope's Prayer Intention for August 2021

From the Church and the Pope

Online Recollection August 2021

Are you unable to attend a recollection this month in person? Here are some resources you could use to recollect at home where you are. The theme for this month is: "The manifestation of God’s power: light and hope for man".

Fostering Interior Life

Mrs. Edith Katama

On Thursday 15th July at 6:30 pm, Edith Abwooli Katama passed away in Uganda, following a long illness. Edith and her late husband Sylvano Katama are the first members of Opus Dei in Uganda, which they discovered while on exile in Kenya from the early 1980’s.


Pope's Prayer Intention for July 2021

Let us pray that, in social, economic, and political situations of conflict, we may be courageous and passionate architects of dialogue and friendship, men and women who always hold out a helping hand, and may no spaces of enmity and war remain.

From the Church and the Pope