Number of articles: 83

My Friends are Dora's friends

I've encouraged my friends to ask Dora's help and taught them how to use the prayer card and also where to write the favour once Dora granted it. Two of these friends found their cell phones, another was able to salvage her laptop after spilling tea on it, and another was able to remove a nasty stain from a silk fabric...


Dora and the Sanctification of Work

A new video with testimonies from people who worked with Dora, and who talk about how she sought to find God in every task that she did, inspiring them to do their work better and in service of others.


My Advisor

I have bad feet and a lot of arthritis, but thanks to her I now have a pair of shoes that I call my “Dora shoes” because they don’t hurt my feet. She is my advisor on these topics.


The Pain Disappeared

I read the book "Dora del Hoyo: A Lighted Lamp" almost in one-sitting after someone lent it to me. At the time, one of my daughters was suffering a lot of pain due to a kidney stone. She was home alone with her one-month old baby...


Restoring a Rundown Parish

A young priest was encountering difficulties in his efforts to restore the run-down parish church in our small town. We prayed to Dora's intercession and within the year, the church was able to reopen.


Only One Bullet Entered

During the recent conflicts taking place in my country, the major part of the fighting has taken place in the city. In the suburbs where violence first broke out, there is a school which provides professional formation for women...


At 1400 Meters Altitude

While hiking a mountain, upon arriving at our destination - 1400 meters altitude - an intense fog settled in, and we could no longer see the trail we needed to follow. We asked another hiker if the fog was supposed to let up.


A Brother & Sister Reconciled

A brother and sister in Australia had not been speaking to each other for a long time. Through their father's praying to the intercession of Dora del Hoyo, the siblings began speaking to each other again.


Dora & Blessed Alvaro: Sanctifying the Ordinary

The stories of Dora del Hoyo and Blessed Alvaro del Portillo - both in process of canonization - are very much connected. Both responded with fidelity to God's call to spread throughout the world the message that all of us can be saints in ordinary life, through ordinary work.

Life and Stories

The First Book about Dora del Hoyo in English

​Scepter Publishers has recently published "Dora del Hoyo, A Lighted Lamp", an English translation of a biography of Dora (original title: "Dora del Hoyo, Una Luz Encendida") The book, written by Javier Medina Bayo, tells the story of Dora's life, based on the testimony of her family and those who lived with her.
