Number of articles: 83

The Scanner

I want to share a favor I received through Dora del Hoyo: I needed to send some documents that I first needed to scan, and I could not get the scanner to work properly. I remembered that Dora had done me a favor once...


Nuts and Bolts

I was cleaning the drain of a sink, and I was trying to tighten a bolt that would not fit back into place. I tried several times and nothing worked. But all that changed as soon as I said "DORA, NOW!"


Not What You Expected: Dora del Hoyo

A brief video about Dora del Hoyo, whose process of canonization was opened on June 18, 2012. The video focuses on the virtues required for Dora's work as a homemaker, which she sanctified by putting love into the small details.


A Lot of Favors

Here is a short summary of the favors that I have received by praying to Dora del Hoyo. Thank you for all this, Dora - I will continue handing out your prayer card!


It Arrived Just In Time

In my work, we make an order for fruit two days a week. Normally the fruit arrives on Fridays at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. But something unexpected ​came up earlier that week and we ended up being without fruit, and needing to prepare food for 50 people.


Family Traditions: The Annual "Crespillos"

Knowing how to be creative with what one has at home: perhaps this example could serve as inspiration. Every year on the "Friday of Sorrows" (the Friday before Palm Sunday), the mother of Saint Josemaría, Dolores Escrivá, used to prepare a special dessert called "crespillos".​ It was a simple dessert that she ​would only make on that day, and thus the family would look forward to it. The recipe is easy to follow and inexpensive, and makes for a tasty and original dessert for your family.


I Came Across Her Prayer Card

I am very impressed with Dora. About three weeks ago, I came across her prayer card in a chapel and I said to myself, "If I feel like I'm 'in a hole' for how bad I feel, then what could be better than to pray to Dora 'del Hoyo' (Spanish for 'of the hole')." I even started to use her name as a password, to remind myself to pray to her.


One Like Us on the Way to Sainthood

I met Dora in 1995, when domestic work was far from my life and even farther from my mind. Dora and I happened to coincide on two occasions in particular in a period of about two months time. This however was enough for me to realize how she was, how she lived, for whom and why she had spent her days giving of herself to the full. There was no need for long explanations to grasp the meaning of her existence. Dora knew the meaning of her life and the path to achieve it to the full.


Time For Others

"Diligence is a virtue that especially characterized Dora," recalls Ma. Carmen Cominges, "She really knew how to maximize her time. It was typical to hear her say, 'As I have a few minutes to spare, I'm going to take advantage of them.'"

Life and Stories

Dora, Pumpkins, and Angel Hair

Isabel Garcia Martin knew Dora and worked with her from 1991 until Dora's passing on January 10, 2004. “In life we get to know a lot of people, and we value and remember them. But there are some people who are unforgettable because, doing things that no one notices and without calling attention to themselves, they make a deep impression on us. We ask ourselves what it is about them...and we begin to discover the heroes of the world, the ones who know how to make us happy in little things."

Life and Stories