Number of articles: 83

A 90th Birthday Celebrated in Heaven

Dora del Hoyo died on January 10, 2004, just a day before turning 90 years old. Here are some examples of people who have received favors through her intercession.


A wife for my son

I prayed the prayer card asking Dora to intercede so that my oldest son, who lives in the United States, would meet a nice girl.


All Favors Big and Small

I would like to thank Dora because she always helps me when I ask her for things while I'm working...


"I want what this lady has!"

Olga Medina worked with Dora del Hoyo for five years. She describes what she learned from watching Dora in action, and how Dora helped her approach her own work in a new, more profound way.

Life and Stories

"Aunt Dora"

My wife fell ill. The doctors who were treating her weren't managing to cure her...


Domestic Work Holds Significance for Business Schools

The profession to which Dora del Hoyo dedicated her entire life is now the topic of an international study involving 94 countries. The Global Home Index seeks to measure the value and repercussion of domestic work.


A simple fix

I am a priest and I wanted to make a simple alteration to one of our liturgical vestments. Sewing was required, and I am not very good at sewing. After twenty minutes, as I was just finishing up, all the stitching came undone suddenly...


Dora and the Dignity of Work

"Daily work has the same dignity whether you are a neuro-surgeon or the lady dedicated to ironing clothes at home," writes Álvaro Sarmiento on the occasion of International Worker's Day, celebrated on May 1st.


"When you pray to Dora, good things happen"

Julia from New Jersey, USA, talks about how Dora became her role-model.


Growing Pumpkins and Chasing Rabbits

Dora del Hoyo, whose canonization cause recently advanced, grew up on a farm amid a warm family atmosphere.

Life and Stories