“I will feel the warmth of your divinity”

When we're working for God we have to have a superiority complex, I told you. But isn't that a sign of pride? you asked me.

No. It is a consequence of humility; the humility which makes me say: Lord, you are who you are. I am nothingness itself. You have all the perfections: power, strength, love, glory, wisdom, authority, dignity... If I unite myself to you, like a child who goes to the strong embrace of his father or sits on his dear mother's knee, I will feel the warmth of your divinity, I will experience the light of your wisdom, I will sense your strength coursing through my veins. (The Forge, 342)

Let me remind you that if you are sincere, if you show yourselves as you really are, if you acquire that ‘true godliness’ by being humble and not proud, then you and I will be safe in any environment. We will always be able to talk of battles won and call ourselves the victors. Ours will be the intimate victories of God’s love, which bring peace, understanding and happiness to the soul.

Humility will spur us on to carry out great tasks, but only on condition that we never lose sight of our inadequacy, and that we are convinced, and more so each day, of our own helplessness. (Friends of God, 106)

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