“Place Christ once again among the poor”

The mass of people have been going off down "the road of a justified discontentment" and continue to do so. It hurts... but, how many we have caused to be disaffected among those who are spiritually or materially in need! We need to place Christ once again among the poor and the humble: it is precisely with them that he prefers to be! (Furrow, 228)

A friend of ours used to say: "The poor are my best spiritual book and the main motive of my prayers. It pains me to see them, and in each one of them, Christ. And because it hurts, I realize I love him and love them." (Furrow, 827)

Jesus Our Lord loved men so much that he became incarnate, took to himself our nature, and lived in daily contact with the poor and the rich, with the just and with sinners, with young and old, with Gentiles and Jews. He spoke to everyone: to those who showed good will towards him, and to those who were only looking for a way to twist his words and condemn him. You should try to act as Our Lord did. (The Forge, 558)

Aren't you glad to feel the poverty of Jesus so close to you? How splendid it is to be lacking even what is necessary! But in our case, as in his, it should pass silently and unnoticed. (The Forge, 732)

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