Number of articles: 550

"The human being is made for goodness"

In his 13 March general audience, Pope Francis continued his catechetical cycle on vices and virtues, speaking about virtuous action.

From the Church and the Pope

"Salvation comes through humility"

In his 6 March general audience, Pope Francis continued his catechetical cycle on vices and virtues, speaking about pride.

From the Church and the Pope

Pope's Prayer Intention for March 2024

Let us pray that those who risk their lives for the Gospel in various parts of the world might imbue the Church with their courage and missionary drive. And to be open to the grace of martyrdom.

From the Church and the Pope

"The envious man is always sad"

In his 28 February general audience, Pope Francis continued his catechetical cycle on vices and virtues, speaking about envy and vainglory.

From the Church and the Pope

"Look within and fan the embers of faith"

In his 14 February general audience, Pope Francis continued his catechetical cycle on vices and virtues, speaking about acedia, or sloth.

From the Church and the Pope

Message from the Pope for Lent 2024

The Holy Father encourages us to meditate prayerfully on the journey from slavery to freedom as we prepare for Holy Week. "In Lent, to act also means to pause: to pause in prayer, in order to receive the word of God, to pause like the Samaritan in the presence of a wounded brother or sister."

From the Church and the Pope

"Faith casts out fear"

In his 7 February general audience, Pope Francis continued his catechetical cycle on vices and virtues, speaking about sorrow or "worldly grief."

From the Church and the Pope

Pope's Prayer Intention for February 2024

Let us pray that the terminally ill and their families always receive the necessary medical and human care and assistance.

From the Church and the Pope

"We are all sinners, we are all indebted"

In his 31 January general audience, Pope Francis continued his catechetical cycle on vices and virtues, speaking about wrath.

From the Church and the Pope

"He could have been a source of blessing to many"

In his 24 January general audience, Pope Francis continued his catechetical cycle on vices and virtues, speaking about avarice.

From the Church and the Pope