Number of articles: 1020

10 Questions about the Virgin Mary

In this month dedicated in many places to the Mother of God, this article can help us to get to know and love Our Lady better.

Get to Know Christ

Normal, Discreet… and Divine

"The ordinariness of our daily life is no obstacle to God’s ardent love. He looks upon us at every moment with renewed affection." A new article on Christian life.

Fostering Interior Life

Sunday: a New Creation and a New Exodus

An article by Fr Joseph Evans on the recent letter by the bishops of England and Wales urging the faithful to return to Sunday Mass because of its central role in our spiritual life.

Fostering Interior Life

As in a Film: A Place Where Jesus Can Rest

Bethany was a special place for Jesus. There he could rest and feel at home, and talk quietly with his friends in an atmosphere of affection.

Fostering Interior Life

Our Lady, Spouse of the Holy Spirit

A meditation by Fr Patrick Gorevan for the Marian month of May.

Fostering Interior Life

Online recollection May 2021

The day of recollection is a time for prayer and reflection on some topics of our spiritual life.

Fostering Interior Life

Always an Open Invitation

Each saint is a mission planned by the Father to reflect and embody a certain aspect of the Gospel. What aspects of Jesus’ life do the faithful of Opus Dei seek to embody?

Fostering Interior Life

Saint Raphael Meditation: Saint Joseph the Worker

A meditation (guided prayer) on learning how to sanctify our work by doing it for love.

Fostering Interior Life

Very Human, Very Divine (II): We Have the Way Within

We are called to bring God's light to the world, "and we have the way within. It is Christ, who wants us to be, like Himself, both very human and very divine."

Fostering Interior Life

Why Go to Confession?

What is Confession? Why is sin so harmful? What's needed for a good Confession, and why do we ask for forgiveness from a man and not directly from God?

Doctrinal Articles