Number of articles: 88

"Exalted above all creatures"

August 15 is the feast of the Assumption of our Lady, who considered herself the least among the Lord’s poor, and finds herself crowned as Queen and Lady of the whole universe.


An Optimistic Apostolate

"Prayer is the lever that moves the Most Merciful Heart of our Saviour," Bishop Alvaro del Portillo assures us, in a Letter written in 1990.


Harambee Social Projects and the Beatification

Harambee Africa International, in conjunction with the organizing committee for the beatification of Alvaro del Portillo, is inviting people to assist four African social and educational initiatives begun by Bishop Alvaro del Portillo.


Venerable Alvaro del Portillo Newsletter No 4 (2014)

A newsletter containing the decree declaring the heroic virtue of Alvaro del Portillo and the decree and the details of the miracle paving the way to his beatification.


Activities in Rome Related to Alvaro del Portillo's Beatification

From September 29 to October 2, pilgrims to Rome will be able to pray before the body of the new blessed. Two Roman basilicas will host Masses of thanksgiving.


Apostolic Courage

Citing an encyclical of St. John Paul II, Bishop Alvaro del Portillo urges us to spread the Gospel message with "apostolic courage."


June 5: Registration for Alvaro del Portillo's Beatification Opens

Some important information about registration, access to zones, transport and donations, for the beatification ceremonies on September 27-28.


"Men and women who are humble"

In considering the Gospel scene of the Visitation, Bishop Alvaro del Portillo writes: "Let us learn from our Lady. If we truly are eager for the divine Master to increase our faith, let us be humble."


Loving the Church, serving her as she wants to be served

"Beg the Holy Spirit to enkindle in your heart this fire of love for his Spouse," Bishop Alvaro del Portillo tells us in his letter from November 1988.


Beseeching our Lady for the Church

In a 1987 Letter, Bishop Alvaro del Portillo asks us to feel "the urgency to take upon our own shoulders the needs of the Church, dedicating our entire life."
