Number of articles: 5191

A Special Vacation for Families

An alternative summer program helps parents and children discover the beauty of the great outdoors while forging long-lasting relationships.

Recent News

Fighting Ebola in South Sudan

Stephen, from Kenya, is heading up a team that is working to prevent the spread of the Ebola virus to South Sudan.

Personal testimonies

Something Great That Is Love (XII): The Vocation to Marriage

“The beauty of the vocation to form a Christian family brings with it a call to holiness that is not second-class, but first-class.”

Fostering Interior Life

"Everything that bears God's 'signature' is destined to last"

In his 18 September General Audience address, Pope Francis continued his catechesis on the Acts of the Apostles, speaking about the words: “You will only find yourselves fighting against God” (Acts 5:39).

From the Church and the Pope

ELIS Over the Years

A brief history of the ELIS Center, a social project in Rome begun under the impetus of Pope John XXIII and entrusted by him to Opus Dei.

Social initiatives

In Montreal

A summary of the days spent in Montreal with Monsignor Ocáriz during his pastoral visit to Canada.

From the Prelate

In Toronto

An account of the days spent in Toronto by Monsignor Ocáriz during his pastoral visit to Canada.

From the Prelate

"I'm happy because I paid for it"

Carlos and Marita have given their children everything they need... but not necessarily everything that they ask for. With fatherly and motherly pedagogy, they've shown their children how to be the protagaonists of their own happiness, teaching them to cover their own expenses, to know how to save, to not be carried away by the latest trends, etc. Living counter culturally has produced its fruits: their children take care of their possessions and are grateful for the brothers and sisters they have.

Personal testimonies

Letter from the Prelate (9 September 2019)

Monsignor Ocáriz encourages us to ask our Lady to teach us to turn suffering into a place where we can find light, peace and joy.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

The Alviras: Newsletter No. 2

Tomás and Paquita are a good example of the impact the spirit of the Work can have not only on family life but also on the running of educational institutions. Unity of life and fostering a family spirit are decisive factors for obtaining good results in the education of children.

Other resources