Number of articles: 5191

Birthday of the Prelate of Opus Dei

For the birthday of Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz (París, 27 October 1944), here are the 7 video summaries of his recent pastoral trip to the United States and Canada.

From the Prelate

"Seek the Truth in Charity"

The Holy Father continued his catechesis on the Acts of the Apostles, focusing this time on the passage: “God opened a door of faith to the Gentiles” (cf. Acts 14: 27).

From the Church and the Pope

The Impact of a Few Days of Service

"When I was in high school, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania were distant lands. But an unexpected opportunity to organize a service project in Lithuania brought the Baltic countries a lot closer to home."

Social initiatives

Finally Living Together

Mimi always loved the party scene, but at some point she felt God wanted her to make a change. She worried about finding a boyfriend who would respect these changes, until she met Victor. They decided to make the effort to date in a Christian way, surprising their friends with their choice of not living together during the 5 years they were dating. Today, they are a point of reference for those same friends. As they see it, going against this cultural trend made their wedding day especially meaningful.

Personal testimonies

"Helping Young Men Find Their Way"

An article published by Grandin Media about Opus Dei student residences in Canada, with testimonies from some of the young men who have resided there.

Recent News

"The Way": 80 Years Old

Saint Josemaria's small book was first published on 29 September 1939. Here are some stories from East Africa about people who have come to love this book, and how it resonates with their spirit.


"Being the Best Mom that I Can Be"

Ijeoma, a medical doctor and member of the Prelature living in Nigeria, talks about her decision to be the "full-time" mother of five children.

Personal testimonies

"Let us ask to be 'kindly lights' amid the encircling gloom"

Homily of Pope Francis at Canonization Mass for Saints John Henry Newman (1801-1890), Giuseppina Vannini (1859-1911), Mariam Thresia Chiramel Mankidiyan (1876-1926), Dulce Lopes Pontes (1914-1992), Margherita Bays (1815-1879).

From the Church and the Pope

Newman, the "Saint of Friendship"

John Henry Newman will be canonized by Pope Francis on October 13, 2019. Interviews with Jack Valero, press coordinator for Newman's canonization, and Melissa Villalobos, who was miraculously cured by the future saint.

Recent News

Let us Break the Chains of Corruption

On Saturday October 5th, the Catholic bishops of Kenya met with thousands of Catholic faithful at the national shrine in Subukia to take up the call Pope Francis made back in 2015 to root out corruption. After Mass, the bishops launched the nation-wide, 6-month anti-corruption campaign and subsequently released this statement.

Recent News