Number of articles: 5192

An Extraordinary "Urbi et Orbi" Blessing

This papal blessing dates back to the time of the Roman Empire. Over the years, it was eventually extended to the entire Catholic population.​

From the Church and the Pope

A path of freedom through the Pyrenees

The documentary about the Crossing of the Pyrenees, produced by Arturo Méndiz, winner of three Goya´s and Oscar nominee, premiers on the feast of saint Joseph, patron of Opus Dei, to whom saint Josemaría had great devotion.


Let us pray for the pandemic to end!

"Let us all pray together for the sick, for the people who are suffering. We seek refuge under your protection, O Holy Mother of God. Do not despise our pleas — we who are put to the test — and deliver us from every danger. O glorious and blessed Virgin. I thank all Christians, all the men and women of good will who pray at this moment, in unison, whichever religious tradition they belong to."

From the Church and the Pope

“Jesus, I know that this enchanted you”

Saint Josemaria always saw in the care for little things a way to respond to God's infinite love for us. A new article on Christian life.

Fostering Interior Life

The Annunciation: Mary Draws out our Ability to Love (Audio)

A short meditation by Fr. Eric Nicolai of Toronto, Canada.

Fostering Interior Life

Meditation: The Feast of the Annunciation (Audio)

A meditation by Father Thomas Bohlin, U.S. vicar of Opus Dei, for the feast of the Annunciation. On this day Mary conceived Jesus in her womb, and God has proved his love for all mankind.

Fostering Interior Life

St. Josemaria: Tips For Getting Along

In his preaching, the "saint of ordinary life" often made small suggestions on how to get along with others. Here is a selection of his ideas that could help at this time.

Pray with Saint Josemaría

Pope Calls Everyone to Two Special Moments of Prayer

Pope Francis has invited everyone to pray the Lord's Prayer at the same time on Wednesday, March 25, (12 noon Rome time), for an end to the pandemic. He will also give an extraordinary "Urbi et orbi" blessing on Friday, March 27, outside St. Peter's Basilica.

From the Church and the Pope

Indications of the Kenyan and Ugandan Conferences of Bishops

The Conferences of Catholic Bishops for Kenya and for Uganda have recently written to their faithful on measures to be taken in the liturgy during these days.


​Confession: A God Who Runs to Meet Us

During these days of quarantine, most of us find it very difficult to go to confession. Perhaps a return to normalcy is still far off, but the moment God sees that we are repentant, He hurries towards us, excited and proud that we are returning home.

Fostering Interior Life