Number of articles: 46

“Be like an old stone block hidden in the foundations”

Don't wish to be like the gilded weather-cock on top of a great building: however much it shines, and however high it stands, it adds nothing to the solidity of the building. Rather be like an old stone block hidden in the foundations, underground, where no one can see you: because of you the house will not fall. (The Way, 590)

Daily Texts

"God is calling you to serve Him in and from your ordinary activities"

The world awaits us. Yes, we love the world passionately because God has taught us to: Sic Deus dilexit mundum ...- God so loved the world. And we love it because it is there that we fight our battles in a most beautiful war of charity, so that everyone may find the peace that Christ has come to establish. (Furrow, 290)

Daily Texts

“Putting love in the little things of everyday life”

Far away on the horizon heaven seems to meet the earth. Do not forget that where heaven and earth really meet is in the heart of a child of God. (Furrow, 309)

Daily Texts

“Take me by the hand, Lord”

There are a great number of Christians who would be apostles ..., if they were not afraid. They are the same people who then complain, because the Lord - they say! - has abandoned them. How do they treat God? (Furrow, 103)

Daily Texts

“These world crises are crises of saints"

The day of salvation, of eternity, has come for us. Once again the call of the Divine Shepherd can be heard, those affectionate words: Vocavi te nomine tuo - I have called you by your name. Just like our mother, he calls us by our name, by the name we're fondly called at home, by our nickname.

Daily Texts

“Try to commit yourself to a plan of life”

This tying of one's life to a plan, to a timetable, you tell me, is so monotonous! And I answer: there is monotony because there is little Love. (The Way, 77)

Daily Texts

“Don't forget the fig tree cursed by our Lord”

Make good use of your time. Don't forget the fig tree cursed by our Lord. And it was doing something: sprouting leaves. Like you... Don't tell me you have excuses. It availed the fig tree little, relates the Evangelist. that it was not the season for figs when our Lord came to it to look for them. And barren it remained for ever. (The Way, 354)

Daily Texts

“Open up your soul! I promise that you will be happy”

Anyone who hides a temptation from his director shares a secret with the devil. He has become a friend of the enemy. (Furrow, 323)

Daily Texts

“Do what you can to know God better”

Every single day, do what you can to know God better, to get acquainted with him, to fall more in love with him each moment, and to think of nothing but of his Love and his glory. You will carry out this plan, my child, if you never, for any reason whatever, give up your times of prayer, your presence of God, with the aspirations and spiritual communions that set you on fire, your unhurried Holy Mass, and your work, finished off well for him. (The Forge, 737)

Daily Texts

“Enlarge your heart”

Get rid of that 'small-town' outlook. Enlarge your heart till it becomes universal, 'catholic'. Don't flutter about like a hen, when you can soar to the heights of an eagle. (The Way, 7)

Daily Texts