Number of articles: 104

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

On 15 August, the Church celebrates Christ taking his Mother up to Heaven, a dogma defined by Pope Pius XII in 1950.

Doctrinal Articles

Go and Do Likewise (V): Grateful Children

The accounts of creation in Genesis introduce man’s three most fundamental relationships: with God, with his neighbour, and with the earth. The Church invites Christians to take these as a starting point in shaping society, caring for creation, and contributing to the common good.

Doctrinal Articles


One of the questions we often hear is: what do I owe God? And the answer is quite simple: we owe Him everything.

Doctrinal Articles

Go and Do Likewise (IV): Called to Listen

In a world where communication holds significant importance and it's just a click away, genuine dialogue can become increasingly difficult to achieve. Here too, Christians have the example of Jesus, who actively engages with those who hold different beliefs, embracing individuals irrespective of any disagreements or errors.

Doctrinal Articles

Visiting "Our Lady's Poor"

Visits to the poor are a means of formation in the work of St. Raphael, which is the apostolate carried out by the faithful of Opus Dei with young people.

Doctrinal Articles

Go and Do Likewise (III): At the Forefront of Transforming the World

As Christians, we share the longing to make true the ideals we want for our world — justice, solidarity, charity — with many others. Yet sometimes conflict still arises when we try to work together. How can love, justice, and solidarity become realities in our lives?

Doctrinal Articles

Who were the apostles?

They were "ordinary men, with defects, with weaknesses. And yet Jesus called them to be stewards of God's grace," St. Josemaría reminds us. Answers to some of the most common questions about Jesus’s twelve apostles.

Doctrinal Articles

What is Lent?

What is Lent? What is conversion, and how can we express our desire for it? Here are some frequently asked questions about Lent to help enter into the meaning of the liturgical season more deeply.

Doctrinal Articles

Go and Do Likewise (I): You Did It to Me

Social needs, civil rights and duties, international relations, dialogue, and political action call Christians, children of one Father, to be "actively, freely, and responsibly present in public life" (St. Josemaría).

Doctrinal Articles

Why was Jesus baptized?

Here are some answers to the most common questions about the sacrament of Baptism: what it is, the origin of the term, why Jesus was baptized, when the practice of Baptism began in the Church, and how this sacrament is celebrated.

Doctrinal Articles