Number of articles: 10

"The more I learned, the more I wanted to know"

Gisèle, a cooperator of Opus Dei in Canada, talks about her first impressions of Opus Dei and how her neighbour, a practicing Catholic who introduced her to the Work, changed her perception of the Church.

"Where God Wants Us": Creating Unity of Life (II)

The second part of a two-part article on the importance of attaining unity between our daily lives and the truths of the faith.

"In Spirit and Truth": Creating Unity of Life (I)

Unity of life is an essential feature of the spirit of Opus Dei. This article by Guillaume Derville, in 2 parts, explains what this means in practical terms.

St. Josemaria Understands You're Human

Video. Annamaria, a nursing student from California, USA, explains why she wants to be a nurse and how reading St. Josemaria's books, especially The Way, Furrow and The Forge, has helped her overcome discouragement in her daily life.


St. Josemaria helps me as a seminarian

I am a seminarian in third year theology, in the seventh year of priestly formation. The basic idea about the seminary revolves round prayer life, intense study and hard work. For a long time as a seminarian I used to wonder how to reconcile Prayer life (life of holiness) and intense study.


Saint Josemaria and the Role of Saint Joseph in Christian Life

An article that will appear in the forthcoming issue of "Romana" (no. 59), written by Fr. Lucas Mateo-Seco shortly before his death in February 2014. The feast of Saint Joseph is celebrated in the Church on March 19.


Unity of Life in Professional Work

“Any honorable work can be prayer and all prayerful work is apostolate. In this way the soul develops a unity of life, which is both simple and strong." A new article in the series on sanctifying work.

Rafael Alvira: "St Josemaria was a very friendly man."

Philosophy professor Rafael Alvira recalls his first impressions of St Josemaria: his vitality, his friendliness and his simplicity.


Faith and Life in St Josemaria Escriva

“The faith of a son, which is faith in the Son, was manifested in the faith of a father, the faith that characterized St Josemaria’s life. He felt very much a son of God, and also very much a father.” For the Year of Faith we publish an article by Giulio Maspero which will shortly appear in the journal ‘Romana’


The Christian vocation to apostolate

Gabby explains how she lives out her Christian vocation at work, relaxing, and socializing with friends.
