Saint Raphael Meditation: Value of Fasting and Temptations
A meditation (guided prayer) on the meaning of our struggle during Lent, when we imitate our Lord's forty days of prayer and fasting in the desert.
Saint Raphael Meditation: Abandonment to Divine Providence
A meditation (guided prayer) on God's governance of the world and his guiding of it to a good end. It is impossible to trust in God's Providence too much.
Saint Raphael Meditation: Seeing With Christ's Eyes
A meditation (guided prayer) on the need to purify our sight so that we can see the world and other people as our Lord does.
Saint Raphael Meditation: Reality of the Incarnation
A meditation (guided prayer) on what it means that God truly became man for us.
Saint Raphael Meditation: Advent, a Time for Hope
A meditation (guided prayer) on the virtue of hope. Advent is a perfect time to develop the Christian virtue of hope, based on God's power and care for us.
Saint Raphael Meditation: Viewing Death as a Christian
A meditation (guided prayer) on the Christian meaning of death, in the month the Church dedicates to praying for the souls in purgatory.
Saint Raphael Meditation: Holiness and the Power of God
A meditation (guided prayer) for the feast of All Saints. Contemplating the great multitude of saints in heaven, we realize God's power to change and purify us.
Saint Raphael Meditation: The Promise of Personal Prayer
A meditation (guided prayer) on how to grow in our own relationship with Our Lord in prayer.
Saint Raphael Meditation: The Gift of Time
A meditation (guided prayer) on the good use of God's gift of time.
Saint Raphael Meditation: "If you knew the gift of God"
A meditation (guided prayer) on the need to foster wonder at God's grandeur and presence in our life.