Number of articles: 4

eBook: "Unity and Love for the Good Shepherd"

A new ebook in celebration of Pope Francis' birthday on 17 December. Christian unity is a participation in the unity of love among the Persons of the Blessed Trinity. On earth, this unity of love is realized through affective and effective union with the Roman Pontiff. In Opus Dei, as part of the Church, it is also expressed through filiation with the Prelate.

29 June: St. Peter and St. Paul

On 29 June, we commemorate the martyrdom of Saints Peter and Paul in Rome. To help celebrate this solemnity, here are 12 excerpts from St. Josemaria's writings about love for the Pope.

Why is the Pope Peter?

For the feast of the Chair of Saint Peter on 22 February, we can reflect on why we see the Pope as our Lord Jesus Christ’s representative here on earth.

Pope explains fraternal correction

Benedict XVI spoke about the importance of brotherly love and united prayer. He noted that those who reach out to their neighbors in prayer help to create a united community. “Fraternal love comes with a sense of mutual responsibility; therefore if my brother is at fault against me, I must use charity towards him and, first of all, speak to him personally.”

Saint Josemaría