Number of articles: 6

Intimacy in Matrimony: Spousal Happiness and Openness to Life

A new article in the series on married love. "Selfishness sooner or later reduces love to a mere satisfaction of instinct and destroys the bond which unites parents and children."

Parental Authority

A new article in the series on family education offers some ideas on how to help children manage their freedom.

The Family's Educational Mission (II)

The second part of an article on the parents' role in fostering a love for the true good in their children.

The Family's Educational Mission (I)

The self-sacrificing love of the parents generates in the family an atmosphere that facilitates their mission of leading their children to live the human and Christian virtues.

The Parents' Right to Educate their Children (I)

"Since education is primarily the responsibility of the child’s father and mother, any other educational agent is such by the parents’ delegation and subordinate to them." A new article in the series on the family.

The Parents' Right to Educate their Children (II)

Parents are not the only ones with a legitimate concern in matters pertaining to education. Both the state and the Church, for various reasons, also possess inescapable obligations in this area.