“You need to think about your life calmly and... ask for forgiveness”
You need to think about your life calmly and without scruples, to ask for forgiveness, and make a firm, definite and determined resolution to improve in one point and another, to improve in that particular small detail which you find hard, and in that other one which as a rule you do not carry out as you should, even though you well know you ought to be doing it. (The Forge, 115)
“Examine yourself: slowly, courageously”
Examination of conscience: a daily task. Book-keeping is never neglected by anyone in business. And is there any business worth more than the business of eternal life? (The Way, 235)
“I will feel the warmth of your divinity”
When we're working for God we have to have a superiority complex, I told you. But isn't that a sign of pride? you asked me.
“If we are humble, God will never abandon us”
Those periods of depression, because you see your defects or because others discover them, have no foundation... Ask for true humility. (Furrow, 262)
"This is a common temptation"
The higher a statue is raised, the harder and the more dangerous the impact when it falls. (Furrow, 269)
“The only freedom that can save man is Christian freedom”
It is not true that there is opposition between being a good Catholic and serving civil society faithfully. In the same way there is no reason why the Church and the State should clash when they proceed with the lawful exercise of their respective authorities, in fulfillment of the mission God has entrusted to them.
“Here I am, Lord, ready to do whatever you want”
"What do I have to do to maintain my love for God and make it increase?'' you asked me, fired with enthusiasm. Leave the 'old man' behind, my son, and cheerfully give up things which are good in themselves but hinder your detachment from yourself. You have to repeat constantly and with deeds, "Here I am, Lord, ready to do whatever you want.'' (The Forge, 117)
“I have spoken, or rather shouted, about my love for personal freedom”
Freedom of conscience: no! How many evils this lamentable error, which permits actions against the dictates that lie deepest in oneself, has brought about in nations and individuals. Freedom "of consciences", yes: for it means the duty to follow that interior command ... ah, but after receiving a serious formation! (Furrow, 389)
The Transfiguration
Heaven: 'the eye has not seen, nor the ear heard, neither has it entered into the heart of man to conceive the things that God has prepared for those who love him.’ Don't these revelations of the Apostle spur you on to fight? (The Way, 751)
“Rest means recuperation: to gain strength”
Rest means recuperation: to gain strength, form ideals and make plans. In other words it means a change of occupation, so that you can come back later with a new impetus to your daily job. (Furrow, 514)