Number of articles: 8

Our Lady of Peace: Prelatic Church of Opus Dei

On 24 January we celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Peace. This is the Marian invocation to which the prelatic church of Opus Dei in Rome is dedicated, and it is the place where St. Josemaría Escrivá's mortal remains repose. The dedication ceremony was officiated by Bl. Alvaro del Portillo on 2 May 1986.

Saint Josemaría

Saint Pius X, Intercessor of Opus Dei

21 August is the feast of St. Pius X, the intercessor to whom St. Josemaria entrusted the Work's relation with the Holy See. In this excerpt, Miguel De Salis Amaral writes about St. Josemaria's lifelong devotion to this Pope.

Text of the Mass of Saint Josemaria

26 June is the feast of St. Josemaria. Here are the liturgical texts for the Mass of the day. a website for going deeper into St. Josemaria's message

St. Josemaria's writings provide insight for people seeking God in ordinary life. The first book, "The Way," was published in 1939. The launch of allows for easy access to many of the founder of Opus Dei's writings.


Interior Struggle (Palm Sunday)

A Palm Sunday homily given by St. Josemaría on 4 April 1971, published in "Christ is Passing By."

Gathering with St. Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer in Brafa

A remastered and summarised video of a gathering with Saint Josemaría Escrivá in Brafa (Barcelona) in November 1972.

14 February: the Work is God's

Some resources to celebrate the double anniversary of the foundation of the women's branch of Opus Dei (14 February 1930) and the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross (14 February 1943).

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Seven Ways to Get to Know St. Josemaría Better

St. Josemaría was born on 9 January 1902 in Barbastro, Spain. Here are a variety of resources to get to know his life and works better.
