Number of articles: 156

Commentary on the Gospel: The Prodigal Son

Gospel for the 4th Sunday of Lent (Cycle C) and commentary.

Commentary on the Gospel: Palm Sunday

Gospel for Palm Sunday at the Procession with Palms (Cycle C) and commentary.

Commentary on the Gospel: "I thirst"

An excerpt from the Gospel for Good Friday and commentary.

Commentary on the Gospel: "He loved them to the end"

Gospel for the Mass "In coena Domini" on Holy Thursday (Cycles ABC), and commentary.

Commentary on the Gospel: "We have seen the Lord!"

Gospel for the 2nd Sunday of Easter (Cycle ABC), and commentary.

Commentary on the Gospel: "You know that I love you"

Gospel for the 3rd Sunday of Easter (Cycle C) and commentary. "Jesus is the only Shepherd and Peter’s task is in continuity with Christ’s: Peter’s work as a shepherd is born of his love for Jesus."

Commentary on the Gospel: "Jesus' love is invincible"

Gospel for the 4th Sunday of Easter (Cycle C) and commentary.

Commentary on the Gospel: A New Commandment

Gospel for the 5th Sunday of Easter (Cycle C) and commentary.

Commentary on the Gospel: “We will come to him and make our home”

Gospel for the 6th Sunday of Easter and commentary.

Commentary on the Gospel: The Ascension

Gospel for the Ascension of the Lord (Cycle C) and commentary.